Celebrating 20 Years of Supernatural Marketplace Ministry!

And as long as
he sought the Lord,
God made him
to prosper.
2 Chronicles 26:5
A Word From
Our Founders
Welcome to The Kingdom Chamber of Commerce, an essential resource for building our businesses with Biblical principles. The Kingdom Chamber of Commerce creates an environment of opportunities for Believers who share Kingdom principles, values and beliefs. Partners are able to benefit from unique leadership development, networking, and business referral opportunities.
Whether you are an established business, a start-up or a professional, you can sharpen your business skills through interaction with top area executives and business leaders.
The Kingdom Chamber environment is designed to help you translate your vision into organizational and operational life, develop corporate mastery, leverage resources and create employment opportunities.
Join today to begin the journey of integrating your business and life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ!
In Christ,
Paul and Angela Pipersburgh
Kingdom Chamber of Commerce Founders

Hear What Partners are Saying about their Chamber

Drs. Rob and Cheryl Adams
We are Drs. Rob and Cheryl Adams. It’s a delight to be Partners in the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce. Through the years, we have become more than Partners of the KCC with Paul and Angela Pipersburgh. We have cultivated a friendship and what we consider to be a family relationship. We would like to share a few points that have been important to us about the Kingdom Chamber. The Kingdom Chamber is about Relationship Building. The Kingdom Chamber operates in line with The Word, The Logos. Proverbs 27:17 proclaims, “As Iron sharpens Iron, so one person sharpens another. We love the diversity within the Kingdom Chamber. We especially love that we are encouraged to grow and develop our gifts and share them. We love that the Kingdom Chamber accepts us and embraces us where we are spiritually. The Chamber makes room for us to grow and offers many teaching & mentorship opportunities to expand in our spiritual journey along with doing business with other like hearted entrepreneurs and business owners. Our Business continues to Soar! If you are not yet a Partner JOIN TODAY!!!

Juanita Smith
My connection to the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce has made all the difference, not only in my business, but in my life. This environment is so rich that it operates as an incubation space for those who seek to fulfill all of God's plan for their life. In this space I've been able to discover who I really am and the power that God placed within me. And I've learned how operate my business supernaturally, being lead by the Holy Spirit. And it taught me the building blocks for obtaining and maintaining wealth. This journey took me from being unemployed to being a successful, full-time entrepreneur. I am forever grateful!
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Special thanks to our sponsors listed below who continue to support our efforts

To advertise your company here email: Angela@KingdomChamberofCommerce.org