Kingdom Greetings,
What an opportunity we have been given; for Kingdom Citizens, to do Kingdom business the Kings way. Because of your support, the 2012 Kingdom Chamber Business Conference and Expo completed its ninth year of conferences – a success!. Each year our conferences have continued to develop and grow. This year’s conference was no exception. However, this year, there was a shift to another level.
The kind of shift that took place this year is the kind of shift that comes with pressure. It is the kind of pressure designed to expose more of our untapped potential. It is analogous to the punchline in David Kim’s joke. There is an offer made by a host to a group of Guest. The offer is, the host will give his wealth to the guest that can swim the length of his pool that is crocodile infested and the crocs have not been fed for several days. Suddenly, there is a splash, the swimmer is swimming for his life, and amazingly does make it to the other side. When the swimmer is asked why he did it, was it for the fame or the fortune, the swimmer replied, “Who pushed me!” God is like that. God is pushing us in to a future that is described this way, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.”
In concert, our speakers spoke about a path to a brighter future while integrating their business and faith. David Kim talked about how to get there through core values and the culture that can be created using core values. Sher Valenzuela talked about how to get there through persevering in times of change and her testimony bore that out. Ken Tucker talked about how to get there through the Intentional Difference, the one thing that changes everything.
Some of the comments that I received from the conference attendees as I walked throughout the facility this year, caused me to focus even more on our distinction as a Chamber. One of our distinctions is that we can, without shame, create a successful business atmosphere, where Jesus is Lord while integrating business and faith. I think I realized this year how special that distinction is. The pressure of this year has inspired me to see new possibilities at this next level. In learning to use pressure, the pressure of this year has become the catalyst for my success next year. And guess what? Next year, that first gleam of dawn, is just around the corner.
Your presence and support makes the Kingdom Chamber of Commerce Business Conference and Marketplace Expo what it is. A success! You have had a first hand opportunity to experience our distinction.
Becoming a Partner with the Kingdom Chamber increases your probability of success by aligning yourself with others who are interested in integrating their business and faith. We have reserved a place just for you. A place where you can add your strength and distinctiveness to ours. However, it is also a place where you can receive strength and benefit from the distinctiveness of others, while integrating you business and faith.
If you would like to become a Partner of the Kingdom Chamber please call me today (856) 414-0818 or online at
In Christ,
Angela Pipersburgh
Founder and CEO